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Life is an Adventure

chapter one

34 years ago I met my husband Steve in Germany. This was the day our adventure began. Steve was stationed in Kaiserslautern as a military police officer.  July 14th 1978 our first daughter Jennifer was born. I remember Steve calling home to his Mom saying "Mom, I am not only coming home with a wife but also a grand daughter!" Steve's Mom (Imagene) has send us some baby clothes but we did not know it was a girl. When she found out it was a little girl all her wishes came true. Mom always wanted a girl. Coming home, Steve had to fly back in a military plane that I could not fly on .  I came a few days later. What an experience! I had only flown once or twice and then very short flights. This was over 14 hours and I  had a 5 week old baby girl with me. My English was not to great either; so when I flew in to Minneapolis to go through customs I was lost. There was a very nice officer that helped me through. I guess he saw how tired and lost I looked. I held Jennifer the whole time and had several offers for some one to hold her. There was no way! So finally we arrived in Houston Texas in the first part of September. As I came off the plane I was hoping Steve would be there; if not I had no clue what to do next. He was there, thank God.  Off to get my suit case. On the way I asked Steve why  they didn't open some windows in here because it was so very sticky and hot and it was night time. Then I looked up and realized that I was outside! Welcome to Texas. I have never felt any thing like this in my entire life. Well off to Graham! This was the shortest trip I ever took from Houston to Graham. As soon as I sat down in the car I was so deep asleep that I thought we only drove 30 minutes. Steve's Dad held Jennifer all the way home with the biggest smile ever.

Next chapter our beginning in Graham Texas